Meet Our Consultants

Dr. Gena

Meet Gena

Hello, my name is Dr. Gena Lester. I am an international best-selling author, speaker, expert, and thought leader in the college admissions space. I am also a mom to 3 college graduates. I understand how much parents want their kids to be successful and happy. I get the worry that comes with college admissions.

I’ve been successfully working with teens in the private consulting space for over 15 years. I saw families struggling to figure out how to help their teens get accepted into a good college when the system can be so overwhelming. And the relief that came with hiring a consultant. But, I know that not everyone is able to work in-person with the best person for their teen.

So I set out to solve the problem. I created an online group coaching program as a bridge for those looking to have an expert in their corner. I provided families with one of the only programs of its kind and an option that they might not otherwise have.


Meet Kelly

Hello, my name is Kelly DuBreuil. As an educator, I know both how education shapes students and how school systems function. And as a parent, I know what it’s like to want the best for our children.

I took my son and daughter through an extensive college planning process, expanded by issues that come with being a military family. I decided then that it shouldn’t be so hard for parents to know that they’re doing what’s best for their student.

I believe that all parents should have peace of mind that they’re sending their student to an environment where they can thrive. 

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